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Safety and quality have always been top priorities at Mason Construction. We believe that safety and quality go hand in hand – as it is impossible to have one without the other.


In the area of quality, we have instituted a quality control program that helps to ensure the highest level of excellence in every service that we provide as well as the finished products we bring to our clients.


When it comes to safety, we are truly committed to providing a safe workplace for our employees, our clients and all personnel at every job site where our company operates. This is proven by the fact that our safety program is consistently rated as outstanding in the Southeast Texas petrochemical industry.


The safety program at Mason Construction is based on the OSHA VPP program, which includes an in-depth evaluation of safety and health procedures, field audits and field employee interviews – all designed to confirm that we actually implement our procedures in the field.


The success of our safety program is also evidenced by the long list of safety awards that our company has received over the years.

Safety Awards 

Business Roundtable Construction Industry Safety Excellence (CISE) Award

1997-National Recipient for Small Construction (less than 250,000 man hours)

Golden Triangle Business Roundtable Safety Awards
  • 2014 – Finalist – for work at Valero Refinery

  • 2014 – Finalist – for work at ExxonMobil Beaumont Refinery

  • 2014 – Finalist – for work at ExxonMobil Beaumont Chemical

  • 2014 – Finalist – for work at BASF Beaumont Agricultural Products Group

  • 2013 – Award recipient – Medium Construction – for work at Valero Refining 

  • 2013 – Finalist – Small Construction – for work at ExxonMobil Beaumont Refinery

  • 2013 – Finalist – Small Construction – for work at ExxonMobil Chemical

  • 2012 – Award Recipient – Medium Construction –for work at ExxonMobil Beaumont Refinery

  • 2012 – Finalist - Medium Construction - for work at ExxonMobil Chemical Beaumont–

  • 2012 – Finalist – Large Construction – for work at Valero Refining

  • 2012 – Finalist – Small Construction – for work at Flint Hills

  • 2011 – Award Recipient – Medium Construction – for work at ExxonMobil Chemical

  • 2011 – Award Recipient - Small Construction - for work at ExxonMobil Beaumont Refinery

  • 2011 – Finalist – Small Construction – for work at Motiva Enterprises 

  • 2010 – Award Recipient - Medium Construction - for work at ExxonMobil Chemical Beaumont

  • 2009 – Finliast – Medium Construction – for work at Motiva Enterprises

  • 2009 – Award Recipient - Medium Construction - for work at ExxonMobil Chemical Beaumont

  • 2009 – Award Recipient - Small Construction - for work at ExxonMobil Beaumont Refinery

  • 2008 – Award Recipient – Large Construction – for work at Valero Refining

  • 2008 – Award Recipient – Small Consturction – for work at BASF Fina Petrochemical, LLC.

  • 2008 – Award Recipient - Small Construction - for work at ExxonMobil Beaumont Refinery

  • 2007 – Award Recipient – Small Construction – for work at Motiva Enterprises

  • 2007 – Award Recipient - Large Construction - for work at Valero Refinery

  • 2007 – Award Recipient - Small Construction - for work at BASF Fina Petrochemicals, LLC.

  • 2007 – Finalist - Small Construction - for work at Motiva Enterprises

  • 2006 – Award Recipient - Small Construction - for work at Motiva Enterprise

  • 2006 – Award Recpient – Large Construction - for work at Valero Refining

  • 2006 – Finalist - Small Construction - for work at ExxonMobil and Valero

  • 2005 – Award Recipient - Large Construction - for work at Valero Refinery

  • 2005 – Award Recipient – Small Maintenance – for work at TOTAL Petrochemicals

  • 2005 – Finalist - Small Maintenance - for work at Total Petrochemicals USA, Inc.

  • 2004 – Award Recipient – Medium Construction – for work at Premcor Refining 

  • 2004 – Award Recipient - Small Maintenance - for work at Total Petrochemicals USA, Inc.

  • 2004 – Finalist - Small Construction - for work at ExxonMobil Beaumont Refinery

  • 2004 – Finalist – for work at ATOFINA

  • 2003 – Award Recipient - Medium Construction - for work at Premcor Refining Group Pt. Arthur Refinery

  • 2003 – Finalist – for work at ATOFINA

  • 2002 – Finalist for work at Motiva and ATOFINA Petrochemicals

  • 2001 – Finalist - Small Construction - for work at Premcor

  • 2001 –Finalist - Small Maintenance - for work at AtoFina

  • 2000 –Award Recipient - Small Construction - for work at Premcor, AtOFina, Goodyear, and Motiva

ISTC Safety Achievement Awards
  • 2013 – One year without a lost time accident

  • 2008 – Two years without a lost time accident

  • 2008 – Incidence rate reduction

  • 2007 – One year without a lost time accident

  • 2005 – Two years without a lost time accident

  • 2005 – Safety Recognition Award – Incidence rate reduction

  • 2004 – Safety Recognition Award – Incidence rate reduction

  • 2003 – Safety Recognition Award – Incidence rate reduction

  • 2002 – One year without a lost time accident

  • 2002 – Safety Recognition Award – Incidence rate reduction

  • 2001 – Four years without a lost time accident

  • 2001 – 58% reduction in incidence rate

Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc.

2004 – STEP Award (Safety Training and Evaluation Process)

Zero Injury Institute Hall of Honor

2015- One Million+ Safe Man  Hours Company Wide

2016- One Million+ Valero Refinery Projects 2007-2016

2016- One Million+ ExxonMobil 2007-2016 Beaumont, TX Complex

2019- One Million+ Motiva Port Arthur Refinery,2007-2019 Port Arthur, TX


P.O. Box 20057

Beaumont, TX  77720

P; 409.842.4455  F: 409.842.4586


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