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At Mason Construction, the ability to adapt in order to meet our clients’ unique needs has always been a big part of our mission. Over the years we have provided many specialty services, from using water as a means of excavating around dangerous pipelines to installing a casting bed to precast tilt-up concrete panels for a coke pile containment – even purchasing a sand bagging assembly line to provide a client with a levee made with more than 200,000 sand bags.



Another example of our specialty services came in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. After the storm devastated the area, we provided planning, logistics and manpower to our clients to assist with dewatering, cleanup and various other necessities of disaster response.



The bottom line is that we are always willing and able to safely diversify our talents to help our clients and our community.



Areas of Expertise


Disaster Response Assistance

Precast Concrete & Tilt-up Construction

Assisting in Environmental Cleanup

Providing Sand Bags

P.O. Box 20057

Beaumont, TX  77720

P; 409.842.4455  F: 409.842.4586


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