chad mason
Vice President of Administration

Chad Mason joined the company full-time in 2001, shortly after graduating from the University of Miami with a degree in Business Law. Prior to that, he had worked part-time at Mason during summers in everything from equipment maintenance to IT. His full-time experience with Mason Construction began as a simple field project clerk, but soon expanded to scheduling and managing multi-million dollar construction projects, as well as researching, selecting and implementing company-wide IT initiatives. Along the way, he has assumed responsibility for any and all contractual legal issues with clients, subcontractors and employees.
Since 2011, Chad has served in his current position, and is responsible for all company administrative operations. Chad's varied experiences provide him with a unique view of Mason Construction and the challenges of modern construction management.
Chad is a member of the Rotary Club of Beaumont, and currently serves on the boards of both the Symphony of Southeast Texas and the Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce. In his work with the Symphony, he has chaired both the administration and strategic planning committees during stints as Vice President of Administration and Vice President of Strategic Planning, respectively.