The Labor Day Weekend is here! That means more people on the road and possibilities for accidents. While you enjoy the holiday, remember to stay safe with family and friends. Here are some tips All One Health:
Drive safe - more people are on the road during holidays and that increases the chances for an accident. Remember to allow enough room between vehicles and follow traffic laws for your area. Also, designate a driver. While everyone wants to unwind and enjoy the weekend, it is important to do so safely for all involved.
Grill smart - if you are going to grill out for the holiday, keep food safe by storing it appropriately. "Never leave the grill unattended" and wash hands before and after handling raw meat.
Heat stress - Southeast Texas has been experiencing high temperatures, which we expect in August and early September. Stay safe and know the signs of heat stress. If you are going to be outside, drink plenty of water and take breaks in the shade or indoors when needed..
Protect against insects - while most bug bites may only cause a slight annoyance, some people experience sever allergic reactions to bites or stings. Be cautious of those individuals who may have allergies and contact medical assistance as soon as possible.
Water safety - Labor Day is often the last holiday around the water as summer comes to a close. Stay alert if you have small children or others who cannot swim near the water. If possible, only swim near a lifeguard and respect all posted signs.
Sun protection - remember to wear sunscreen! Sun exposure is on the of the most preventable risk factors for skin cancer. Reapply as needed throughout the day.
Have a great, and safe, weekend!
One Team. One Vision. One Goal. – Everyone Goes Home Safe!